/* WRTeam Developers */ API URL -->> https://vendor.eshopweb.store/delivery_boy/app/v1/api/{METHOD_NAME} - (all APIs in one file only) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defined API Methods:- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. login 2. get_delivery_boy_details 3. get_orders 4. get_fund_transfers 5. update_user 6. update_fcm 7. reset_password 8. get_notifications 9. verify_user 10. get_settings 11. send_withdrawal_request 12. get_withdrawal_request 13. update_order_item_status 14. get_delivery_boy_cash_collection 15. delete_delivery_boy ------------------------------------------ What parameters to be Passed? See here >> ------------------------------------------ Use POST method to pass the parameters 1.login mobile: 9874565478 password: 12345678 fcm_id: FCM_ID //{ optional } 2. get_delivery_boy_details id:15 3. get_orders user_id:101 active_status: received {received,delivered,cancelled,processed,returned} // optional limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id / date_added // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 4. get_fund_transfers user_id:101 limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id / date_added // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 5. update_user user_id:34 username:hiten mobile:7852347890 {optional} email:amangoswami@gmail.com {optional} //optional parameters old:12345 new:345234 6. update_fcm user_id:12 fcm_id: FCM_ID 7. reset_password user_id:12 new: pass@123 8. get_notifications id:114 offset:0 // {optional} limit:10 // {optional} sort:id // {optional} order:DESC / ASC // {optional} search:search_value // {optional} 9. verify_user mobile:1234567890 email:test@gmail.com // { optional } 10. get_settings type : delivery_boy_privacy_policy / delivery_boy_terms_conditions 11. send_withdrawal_request user_id:15 payment_address: 12343535 amount: 560 12. get_withdrawal_request user_id:15 limit:10 offset:10 13. update_order_item_status order_item_id:1 status : received / processed / shipped / delivered / cancelled / returned delivery_boy_id: 15 otp:value //{required when status is delivered} 14. get_delivery_boy_cash_collection delivery_boy_id:15 status: // {delivery_boy_cash (delivery boy collected) | delivery_boy_cash_collection (admin collected)} limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: // { id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional search:value // {optional} 15. delete_delivery_boy user_id:15 mobile:9874563214 password:12345695